Dear Star Presidents and STAR Rotarians,
Greetings of the Day.
The Rotary Dist 3141 World Fest Day – a fellowship cum Rotary & TRF support program is fast approaching. Team of Lead Host Club RC of Bombay Worli under the Leadership of Convener AG Sandeep Shah, STAR President Kavita Godbole along with Dist Team coordinated by Dist Secretary Dharmendra Gursahani are putting in all efforts and resources to make this event a signature event of Dist 3141.
This year the Host Club and Dist Team is planning to showcase Rotary and Rotary’s services to the community on the day of this event – thus bringing Rotary closure to the masses. World Fest Day is a perfect platform to give a new branding to our Rotary. Lots and lots of home work and financial support is required for the preparation of the event of such magnitude. Host Club is trying to use all their resources to get sponsorship and support from few corporate houses, also from Government agencies. Many well known celebrities are roped in to perform / show their talents in this event.
Friends its now our turn to support the Lead Host Club Bombay Worli with our participation in World Fest Day in large nos. I request STAR Presidents and STAR Dist Team to please circulate the message of revised fee of ₹ 1500/- per person (includes Entry to the special area of Race course, taxes, special performances, entertainments and ……. participation in races of your choice). Please feel free to invite your friends and well wishers in this program to – showcase Rotary and to enjoy the camaraderie n fellowship of Rotary families.
Watch what District Governor of Rotary 3141 has to share about the Rotary World Fest.
Those interested can give their names to Club Office.