Donating to Rotary means clean water and sanitation. Health and hope in areas that were once ravaged by diseases like polio. Economic development and new opportunities. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.
Reasons To Give
Fighting Hunger
In India, children have eggs, milk, and meat because of a Foundation grant that enables local farmers to buy animal feed, packaging materials, and other supplies. The farmers agree to donate a portion of their products to children’s hospitals, schools, and orphanages.
Projects such as these address two areas of focus: maternal and child health and economic and community development.
Reducing Child Mortality
The Rotary clubs of Jaela-Kandana, Western Province, Sri Lanka, and Madras Northwest, Tamil Nadu, India, are helping to reduce child mortality by providing improved sanitation facilities for 15 families in a small community in Sri Lanka. With a Rotary Foundation grant, the clubs have built 14 toilets, helping to prevent the spread of diarrhea-causing diseases related to poor sanitation.
Basic Education And Literacy
Through the effort, nearly 600 adults are attending literacy classes taught by instructors trained with help from Operation Upgrade, which specializes in adult basic education. Funding from The Rotary Foundation provided classroom books. The project supports the basic education and literacy area of focus.
Eradicating Polio
Around the world, Rotarians are going the distrance — participating in walkathons, climbing mountains, cycling, even circumnavigating a continent in rubber dinghies, among other fundraisers — to help Rotary rid the world of polio.
The Rotary Foundation is constantly working to ensure that its mission is fulfilled with successful, sustainable programs that have measurable outcomes. Our new Grants model is one example of our Foundation ensuring that the mission to improve heath, support education and alleviate poverty becomes a reality. And let’s not forget Rotary’s perseverance in the eradication of Polio as we get closer to having this devastating disease disappear forever.
We are committed to transparency and accountability – check out our financials page to learn how we are responsible leaders and review a breakdown of how we earn and spend our money.
We have 1.2 million professional and community leaders working together to collectively transform the world through their 34,000+ Rotary clubs. Rotary has a reach greater than the United Nations! Rotarians have impressive networks and vocational expertise that when added with grassroots knowledge and resources from our Rotary Foundation equals impactful and effective projects. These projects take place around the globe whether in your backyard or across oceans.