Dear Fellow Rotarian,
The speaker for Wednesday, 25th April, 2012 is Dr. Divya Bhanusinh Chavda, President of World Wide Fund for Nature India (WWF India) the subject is “Tiger in 21st Century”. The meeting is at The Princess Room of Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai at 1.15 p.m.
Dr.Divya Bhanusinh is a consummate conservationist with great passion for preservation of Fauna, Flora, and the Cat group including Cheetah and Tigers. The Asiatic cheetah, the fastest animal on earth, was once found all over Indian jungles, but is now extinct in India. Now The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is considering approving a cheetah repopulation plan made by big cat specialist Divya Bhanusinh Chawda.
Please attend in large numbers, Get your Friends; come along with your Spouse.
Yours in Rotary
Chairman Programs Committee