Dear Friends,
On 12th November 1968, the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town had its first charter. This year on 12th November 2018 we turned 50. What a huge milestone this is for our club! Every member of this club, both past and present, should be very proud. This is that time of the year for our club when we as members reflect at the years gone by. We think of the activities members did together and the mischief they played. One story I heard is about the time when Mr Navin Shah became the president and asked one member to head the attendance committee but that member had very poor attendance. He did accept the post and for Mr Navin Shah’s year, he had almost 100% attendance. He was none other than our dear Rahul Mehta. There are so many similar fun stories that I was told about during this year.
Of course, the biggest event this month was our Charter Night. Traditionally, our club does a simple affair. This is our 50th year, so we decided to have a bit more fun. The Inner Wheel Club of the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town also combined their celebrations with ours and it was just wonderful. Mrs Asha Singh spoke at the start of the event right after I did and this too was something that I hope continues every year. We were very happy that we were also able to invite all our partners in service and so many of them came. We had nearly 200 people who attended this function. I was happy to see Muuna meet Maneck Davar from Spenta Publications whom he happened to know well for many years and had lost touch. We also took this opportunity to invite all our charter members and their families. Some came and it was a complete pleasure and privilege to have them amongst us.
Mr Rahul Mehta comes to our rescue when we want to do something fun and he conducted the Charter Night function wonderfully. People were laughing and enjoying themselves all throughout the function. I will also take this opportunity to thank my wife Sarika, Uttara Bhandare and Mr Mohan Lalwani for helping out with this function.
It was also wonderful that we were able to induct some new members in our club in the month of November. Some of these new members have agreed to be part of committees in the next Rotary Year. Some are travelling with us to Jalna in the month of February. I have always made sure that new members bring in fresh energy and fresh enthusiasm in the club activities and projects. It is extremely important for our club to continuously add new members. Thanks to some members, we do have a few potential members who will become part of our club in the coming months.
We all have heard the privacy debate that has been raging in our country. Most of it has been related to the Aadhar Card. Whether we like it or not, we all, through our smartphones, are also exposed to the web. Mr Smitesh Valanju has had tremendous experience with securing data for large organizations. He spoke to our club about how our profile is created online and how little bits of information from multiple places are assimilated to make one whole. He also suggested ways to make our identity more secure in the future.
Next month is the festive season. Everyone looks forward to December to meet family and friends and spend more time with them. Here’s wishing everyone a great month of December.
Yours in Rotary,
Pres. Rtn. Dr. Deepak Garg