Rtn R Barwale’s success in the hybrid seed industry has gained him international and national recognition. He has also contributed to the cause of seed industry and agriculture by serving as member of many prestigious bodies. Some of such notable bodies are the Oil and Fibre Seed Section Committee and Executive Committee of International Seed Federation, Switzerland, the Joint Apex Committee of the Indo-Swiss collaborations on Biotechnology, a collaborative effort of the governments of India and Switzerland and Board of Biotech Consortium of India, a GOI initiative.
Born in Khamgaon, Maharashtra, Rtn Barwale graduated in agriculture from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. He is also an alumni of Harvard Business School having completed a short term management course in 1993.
Rtn Barwale has also been contributing to other group companies. M/s Fowler Westrup, a leader in post harvest and agri processing machinery business and M/s Seven Star in fresh produce exports are being notable ones. Under his leadership, group has a strong social commitment to the cause of education and health care through its many educational and medical institutions. Ganapathi Netralaya at Jalna built and run by the group is one of the leading eye care hospitals in the country.