According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), about 18% of India’s population was undernourished as at the end of 2012. The population of under nourished children is even more. This is where our Mid-Day Meal Project comes in. RCBMT is a top donor in RI District 3140 to the Mid-Day Meal Programme, implemented by our partner-in-service: ISKCON Food Relief Foundation (FRF). This Programme improves attendance, increased retention rate with fewer dropouts rates.
District Governor Rtn Lata Subraidu has put the Mid-Day Meal Programme as a thrust project for the current Rotary Year.
We have invited Shri Radha Krishna Das Prabhu, Managing Director, ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, to make a presentation, as follows:
Date: 30th October 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1.30 pm
Venue: Taj Mahal Palace Hotel
Subject: Mid-Day Meal Programme
Rotarians and their spouses are cordially invited to attend in large numbers to listen to his talk and understand as to how RCBMT, in conjunction with ISKCON FRF, helps to provide nutritious meals to children in the age group 4 -14 yrs in and around Mumbai.
Rajeev Thakker
Programmes Committee