Mid Town Musings: July 2019


Hello Friends,

Time flies really fast. I met a lady at an awards function, we became friends and the next thing I know is that the Rotary movement—which I had supported immensely in my college days and which I had to leave later due to my business commitments—is back in my life, all thanks to her. The lady I am talking about is our gracious, elegant and most charming Rtn. Sucharita Hegde. When she invited me to be a part of the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town, I agreed to join. It has been nearly four years now and today, I have got the opportunity to become the 52nd President of one of the most prestigious clubs of our District.

We sadly lost this year two of our past presidents: Rtn. Lalit Goculdas and Rtn. Praful Sheth. We pray for the departed souls and extend our condolences to their family members.

This year has seen a remarkable excitement and new enthusiasm among members. This is all thanks to the good work being carried out by my predecessors—the last one being Rtn. Dr. Deepak Garg. Our club is now taking their good work ahead by doing better with each passing day. As the new Club President, I will be looking at a lot of new goals to achieve, new projects to undertake and continuing the ongoing projects. The best thing about the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town is that our team of both the young and the not-sovery-young members join hands to work together comfortably.

The theme of my year as the Club President is ‘Enjoy Rotary’ and believe me when I say that Rotary is very enjoyable—when it comes to doing serious work as well as developing friendships as an opportunity for service. It is the duty of all Rotarians to be active in promoting their club as much as possible, not only in words but also through exemplary dedication, awareness and action. I am glad to state that the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town functions in a way that perfectly matches the principles of Rotary.

Alas, although we have so much to do, there is so little time to do it! Keeping this in mind, I would like to seek support from our members and well-wishers to help complete our ongoing and new projects for the year 2019-20. Some of these projects are:

1. Project Plastic Surgery Camp, Jalna
2. Project NASEOH
3. Project Mid-day Meal
4. Project Nere Waje Village
5. Project Hand Pump Installation
6. Project E-learning
7. Project Good Health (around two major camps to be held this year)
8. Project Free Eye Cataract Surgeries for around 200 deserving and economically weak individuals

I wonder how the aforementioned projects could be carried out so effectively were it not for this beautiful organisation called Rotary which benefits and connects each one of us in different parts of the country and in different parts of the world.

In the end, this connection has turned out to be so powerful for me that not only have I made wonderful friends through this organisation but I have also met a beautiful girl who was part of the Rotary movement in Mumbai in the year 1995 and got married to her thereafter—my wife Alifiya!

Thanking you in Rotary,
Pres. Rtn. Abuzar N. Zakir
President (2019-2020)


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